Computer Models

Here I showcase some of my agent-based models and describe some interesting features of the model. Often the model is part of some larger project and that project is described elsewhere (in a paper or presentation). Here I will describe the model itself so people can understand what it does and how it does it. This is useful for replication purposes ("porting") and for pedagogy. Most of these will be written in Netlogo because that is where I delvelop most of my fun models to demonstrate ideas. The more serious research will be in java. In addition to these models I present several modeling tips and tricks as well as some more general modeling guidelines on

Title: Intro to Computer Models for Social Scientists
Date: August 2005
Objective: Teaching Adaptive Modeling Behavior
Description: I developed these models for my adviser, Dr. Scott Page. for a class or workshop that he was teaching at the time. They demonstrate the progressive adding of features to models and how this affects behavior. There are also models demonstrating how agents can communication information about their envorinment indirectly through their performance. And finally there is a model relating forest fire firewall dynamics to banks' risky behavior and failure (which has been expanded to include a genetic algorithm technique) All models are posted here as applets and as NetLogo files.
Full Text: Links to Java Applets

MANY more coming soon.

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